AAA: Prepare Your Teen for All Driving Challenges

Australian Business

AURORA, Ill., Oct. 21, 2013­ /PRNewswire/ -- As Teen Driver Safety Week kicks off (October 20-26, 2013), AAA reminds parents of the critical role they play to ensure their teen receives supervised driving practice that prepares them for all driving challenges. AAA recommends parents practice these five challenging driving scenarios with their teen during the learning-to-drive process. By becoming more involved in their teens' driver education, parents will help their teens to build confidence and experience through these challenging driving situations before their teen hits the road solo.


"While teens who have participated in a quality Driver Education program are exposed to difficult driving conditions, parental guidance is essential for the long-term success of any new driver," said Sandra Maxwell, director of driver education programs for AAA. "Because parents have the unique opportunity to sit in the passenger seat and coach their teen, they have the ability to ensure lifelong safe driving habits at the critical learning-to-drive stage."

Driving Challenges: View content infographic here

1. Driving with other modes of transportation – Bicycles, trucks and motorcycles all provide different challenges. Practice driving around each of these modes to help your teen understand how to share the road.

2. Winter or inclement driving – Rain, ice and snow can make for dangerous driving conditions for even the most experienced drivers. While many parents are hesitant about their teen driving at all in these conditions, it's critical for teens to practice driving in these less-than-ideal road conditions while parents can coach them.

3. Avoiding a deer or animal – Each year many drivers are killed or injured in crashes involving animals. While animal crashes occur year-round, October and November are dangerous months for these types of crashes, so the time is now to properly prepare your teen driver.

4. Driving on rural roads – Driving on rural roads presents challenges to many drivers, including hairpin turns, limited sight distance and two-lane highways that aren't well lit. Make sure teens get plenty of time on these roads while you can assist with coaching them.

5. What to do in a crash – Inevitably, despite all your best efforts, sometimes crashes occur.  Understanding what to do and not to do is important. 

To encourage parents to share their wisdom with younger drivers, AAA is launching a national contest soliciting the best driving advice that parents wish to impart on teen drivers, along with a chance to challenge their own driving smarts by taking the "Are You Smarter than Your Teen Driver?" quiz.  Parents can submit entries at from October 21 through December 11 and will be eligible to win prizes including an iPad® mini and VISA® gift cards. For more information on teen driving and resources for both parents and teens drivers, visit   

AAA Chicago is part of The Auto Club Group (ACG), the second largest AAA club in North America.  ACG and its affiliates provide membership, travel, insurance and financial services offerings to approximately 8.5 million members across 11 states and two U.S. territories, including Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, North Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands; most of Illinois, Minnesota and a portion of Indiana.  ACG belongs to the national AAA federation with nearly 53 million members in the United States and Canada. Its mission includes protecting and advancing freedom of mobility and improving traffic safety.


