"After Earth" Starring Will Smith to be Released October 8 on DVD

Australian Business

ARCATA, Calif., Oct. 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- The sci-fi thriller "After Earth" (DVD release tomorrow) looks 1,000 years into the future. To create that allusion, director M. Night Shyamalan didn't have to travel half way around the world to some remote location, he just had to look north toward the majestic redwoods of Humboldt and Del Norte Counties.

In his May 22, 2013 LA Times review, Film Critic Richard Verrier quotes "After Earth" location manager Dow Griffith, who said, "I wanted to be able to evoke that sense of what the Earth would be like a thousand years after man has left, and I always felt that these enormous trees would say that in one shot. I said, 'You know, the redwoods might be a really good option.'" "Griffith," Verrier wrote, "immediately thought of the mystical redwood forests in Northern California where his parents had taken him on a camping trip as a child."

With help from the Humboldt-Del Norte Film Commission, located in Arcata, California -- home of the world's largest redwoods (nearly 380 feet tall) -- the movie came to life. After a successful worldwide theater run, it's now available on DVD.

"Our region is best known for its ancient redwoods (being the tallest trees in the world)," said Cassandra Hesseltine, film commissioner for the Humboldt-Del Norte Film Commission. "Feature films, reality TV, and commercials love us.  We also draw productions for our rocky coastline, scenic roads and Victorian villages."

The coastal redwoods of Humboldt and Del Norte Counties have appeared in many movies, among them the 1938 film "Valley of the Giants," "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial," "Star Wars: Episode VI — Return of the Jedi," "The Lost World: Jurassic Park," "Outbreak" and the 2001 movie "The Majestic," starring Jim Carrey.

Says Hesseltine: "When movies, like 'After Earth' are filmed in California, it is a big boost to the state's economy."  According to Sony Pictures, an estimated $5 million was spent on location, giving the local economy a big boost as well.

"Humboldt-Del Norte redwoods can transport you a 1,000 years into the future or a million years into the past. The possibilities as a filming location are limitless," Hesseltine added.


SOURCE Humboldt-Del Norte Film Commission

RELATED LINKShttp://www.filmhumboldt.org