Liko Smith Purchases Sugar Loaf Resort, MI; Plans The RoK, 560-acre Snowboarder's Mecca

Australian Business

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich., Sept. 28, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Extreme Entrepreneur Eneliko Sean Smith (aka Liko Smith), creator of THE BLOCK, The World's First Snowboarder Hotels, has purchased the Sugar Loaf Resort in Michigan. The resort, located at 4500 Sugar Loaf Mountain Road, in Traverse City, Michigan has been shuttered for over a decade.

Mr. Smith and partners have purchased the property for an undisclosed price. The purchase includes all assets of Sugar Loaf to include property, buildings, ski lifts, and all existing inventory. Combined with adjoining land, the resort totals over 560 acres. The property boasts a private aircraft landing strip. Sugar Loaf is adjacent to golf courses, townhomes and residences that make up the community.

Liko Smith plans to transform the resort into a 560-acre Snowboarder's Mecca titled The RoK at Sugar Loaf. Smith has partnered with internationally experienced snow resort operators interested in long term development projects in the United States. The partners plan to open the resort by November 27, 2014.

"This is the single biggest challenge of my life, I'm fortunate I was able to find partners that not only understand the risks involved at Sugar Loaf but also the complexity of reopening a resort that has been shuttered for over 10 years," says Smith. "The key is getting down to bedrock on what's required and then taking massive action...I will not let this resort waste away on my watch," he says. "The residents and children in the region deserve a resort that will compete with others worldwide and The Rok is going to do just that."

Smith, who pled no contest regarding unpaid room taxes in the City Of South Lake Tahoe in 2009, promises that tax payments will never be an issue again. "I suffered very deeply and I truly learned from that mistake," he says.

Liko Smith, a star on THE BLOCK reality show, plans to create a new reality series beginning with an employee Boot Camp July of 2014. Interested snowboarders can apply at websites or

Smith, a noted speaker, outlines The RoK strategy in a speech title he had used during The Global Conference on Tourism in Palma Mallorga, Spain. "Brands Create Regional Tourism Opportunities." "Sugar Loaf has the assets of an amazing brand," says Smith. "It's time."

SOURCE Sugar Loaf Resort

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