Quizbid: The Fantastic New Twist on Online Auctions!

Australian Business

LONDON, September 10, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --

Bored of the old penny auction sites? Fed up of online quizzes where you hardly ever win, and if you do, the prize is never what you want? Then check out Quizbid, the site that turns auctions on their head, and you can win great prizes with only a pound!

Quizbid is run by QB duck, and he is looking for lucky ducks to join ponds all across the world to compete and bid on some amazing prizes. The fabulous thing about Quizbid, and QB duck is that you can use your brain to bid, and compete against other lucky ducks in your community as to be able to place a bid on one of the fantastic prizes on offer, you need to answer a trivia question! Get it right and your bid is pooled in with the other clever ducks, and when the auction ends, when the target number of bids is reached, QB duck will play hook a duck with you and the other competitors and pick one lucky winning duck out of the pond! Will it be yours?

You'll find out via Youtube on the day following the hook a duck game, and you can tune in to the QB channel to watch all the ducks being plucked from the pond, to see if you are the lucky winner! If you can't stand the wait, Quizbid will email the lucky winners to confirm their prize.

Quizbid is a community where people can pitch against each other in order to win great prizes, and because there are many different communities, you can be sure that there will be a range of different prizes. You only bid on the items you want, and you can have fun testing your brain with the Trivia questions.  As the community grows, so will the prizes, and you could win some amazing luxury prizes such as luxury goods, holidays and cash.

The winning even begins before the site is launched. If you register at http://www.quizbid.co.uk and tap in your name & e-mail address, you could be in with the chance to win a fantastic Apple iPad mini 16GB! If you like on Facebook or follow on Twitter then there are even more chances to win!

So what are you waiting for? Register online today and get ready for a new type of Auction site, which promises fun auctions, and fabulous trivia. You could hook a fantastic prize!

Contact details:Drew Duncan Star+44(0)7834981393drew@quizbid.co.uk

SOURCE QuizBid Limited